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Book of Remembrance 5785

With the approach of the High Holy Day season, many of us wish to acknowledge love and dedication to the memory of dear ones who are no longer with us. To help you do this with dignity and Tzedakah, Agudath Achim is preparing a Book of Remembrance for Yom Kippur 5785.


The Book of Remembrance, or Yizkor Book, will contain the names of all the relatives and friends whose memory you wish to honor, together with the Kaddish prayer. The Yizkor Book will be distributed on Yom Kippur at the Yizkor Memorial Service.

You may click here to see the Yizkor Book from last year.

Please submit this form no later than September 19, 2024 to be included in time for the memorial service. 

Person Submitting Form
The office may contact this person with questions or information.

(Please check to see if you are logged in before filling out this form. If you see your name already in the fields below, you are logged in. If not, please click "Login" at the top right of the website).

Submit donor and remembered names to include in the Memorial Book
The entry in the Memorial Book would look something like this:
Donor Name(s)
In beloved memory of:
       Remembered Name(s)
Enter Donor Name(s) exactly how you want it to appear in the Memorial Book

(Leave blank if there is no change from last year.)
Click the blue [+] (plus) button below to add or remove Remembered Names. (Each time the plus button is clicked there will be a new line for a new name). Please write each name in a separate line - exactly the way you want the name to appear in the Memorial Book.

Each line can have either a single name, such as Albert Einstein; or a couple, such as Mr. & Mrs. Albert Einstein or Martha & George Washington. 

(Leave blank if same as last year.)


Click it as many times as you want to add names. Use one box per name. 
Yizkor Book Names

Notes such as order of names, or any comments to the compiler of the Memorial Book can be included here.

Suggested is $18 per name or line
(After you click "submit" you can choose to pay with
credit card, check, or be billed.)
Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785